June 11, 2010

Back to where I "belong"????

Aiks! So much for creating a blog and leaving it to "rot" after 2 entries!!! I'm guilty as charged. Life in Europe was by far exciting. Here are 2 pics from my 2 months stay in Paris. For more pics, click here.

1st Stop: Paris ~July, 2008~

Ancient Clock in Musee d'Orsay, Paris, with MontMartre in the "middle"

Moulin Rouge, MontMartre, Paris

I was too busy flirting to write anything (right....). 2 years have passed and I'm back to my homeland for what 10 months now? I'm seriously running out of excuses NOT to update my blog this time...

So what's new with my life back in Malaysia? Let's see, I went back to work for my previous company (conveniently forgetting the reason why i left 2 years back) last Aug, left the company AGAIN (yes!!!) a month ago. Yup! 10 months of my life, wasted, if not for a bunch of nice friends I made there. Miss ya guys loads!!

Oh did I mention I started a new job in a branded music solutions consultancy film, sold my beloved 540 square feet studio, which I've waited for 5 years for its completion (due to complete in a month or 2, the irony is not lost) for RM205K and bought a 1,148 square feet, 2-bedroom (was 3) apartment for RM218K, all these MAJOR changes, within a span of a month? What can I say? I redefine STRESS.

Legal fees (selling AND buying), property-gained tax, bank loan penalty, real estate agent's commission, MRTA notwithstanding, it's a TOTAL bargain to double-up the space of my supposed dream home (still a blueprint in my mind) for a mere RM13K extra won't you say? What? Not really? Oh c'mon, need I repeat the point that my sister is the ONLY accountant in the family? :-p

Wokay, enough of updates and this blog, should fill the gaps between my previous entries and paves way to "stuff" I'm DYING to blog about since a week (or 2?) ago. More about that, soon...

zzzzzZZZ.... xoxo


cassieandrea said...

more entries pls.. with photos of course. =)

anyway...it's good to have u back...

JoLLy JuNe said...

why thank you.. beware of information overload! :-p